We're just getting started in our mission to help raise funds for Raptor Education Group and we need your help to get the word out. Help us raise awareness to our cause and we'll adopt one of REGI's educational birds in your name!
Here's how it works:
- Visit us on Facebook and "Like" our page
- Seek out our post "What's your favorite wild bird and why?" and leave a comment with your answer
- Get people to "Like" YOUR comment
At 12 noon Central Time on December 31st, 2012, Feathered Hope will adopt one of REGI's educational birds in the name of the participant who's comment received the most "Likes". Remember, you must complete all 3 steps to be eligible.
The bird we adopt will be selected by the winning participant from the appropriate adoption category determined by the number of page "Likes" achieved as outlined below:
Number Page Likes
Adoption Category
- 200
Wonder" Adoption (Eastern Screech Owl, Merlin, Saw-whet Owl)
- 400
"Free Flyers" Adoption (Red-tailed
Hawk, Rough-legged Hawk, Peregrine Falcon)
- 500
Moves" Adoption (Barn Owl, Great
Horned Owl, Barred Owl) or
"Cranes and
Vultures" Adoption (Sandhill Crane, Turkey Vulture)
Pride" (Bald Eagle)
In the event of a tie, the participant with the highest number of votes who's birthday is nearest 12/31 will be declared the winner.
We're really excited about Feathered Hope and can't wait to share our cause with your help. What are you waiting for? Get out there, "Like", comment, and find support for your favorite bird! Good luck everyone.
Ken & Lisadawn Schram
We're really excited about Feathered Hope and can't wait to share our cause with your help. What are you waiting for? Get out there, "Like", comment, and find support for your favorite bird! Good luck everyone.
Ken & Lisadawn Schram
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