According to a recent REGI Facebook post, the new year brought with it 5 new patients including this magnificent golden eagle who is suffering from the effects of lead poisoning. In addition to outlining the course of treatment, Marge Gibson also shares the staggering costs associated with trying to remove the toxins to save it’s life and return it to the wild.
“The blood test showed a very high blood lead level and marked anemia. The first injection was 30 minutes after he was admitted. He will have 2/day injections of Ca EDTA for the next 4 days and then another round of 2/day in 4 days cycles until he is cleared of the toxin which is stored in the birds bones. It is an arduous process for the bird and for us..and expensive. Chelation can run $2000. per bird in cases of heavy levels such as his. And that is just pharmacy costs. — at Raptor Education Group, Inc.”
Please keep in mind that every lead poisoning case treated at REGI and other wildlife rehabilitation centers is the indirect result of mankind continuing to use lead-based products in the outdoors. Whether it be ingested lead sinkers or related fishing tackle or lead poisoned carrion from unrecovered gunshot wild game, it is the actions of our fellow humans that are responsible for these tragic events. While momentum for preventative legislation continues to build, please do your part in helping to education your friends and family of these dangers in the interim.
Click here to view the entire Facebook post and photo album.
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